Friday, April 15, 2011

My new definition of hell.

Let my just say this right up front, I love spending time with my girls. However, tonight was pretty excruciating given the circumstances. Being a member of the armed forces we get many opportunities to see concerts for free. I had the pleasure most recently seeing Five Finger Death Punch and it was amazing. So this evening there was a free admission concert, right here on the installation, of Allstar Weekend. Now I thought this was an event headlining various Disney cast members and such. Nope, this was much worse. Allow me a second to bing you up to speed on this "Allstar Weekend", they are a pop/rock teen boy band with a pure Disney message. You know the positive message that they're impressing on our youth, that of Brittany Spears, Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, and Christina Aguilera, to name a few. Anywho, There I was sitting amongst about 200-250 girls ranging in age from 3-17, a smattering of awkward  boys, and many distraught parents. When the Allstar Weekend took the stage, the screaming commenced and didn't stop for an hour. The pitch of the scream is indescribable, but could be used to disperse rioting crowds when small arms fail. So these boys sang, swished their hair around, and wooed the young girls (from a Disney approved distance). I must add that the lad playing lead guitar had very respectable talent (pictured 2nd from left). This was my two girls first "concert" experience and both seem to take it in a little differently.  The oldest seemed mesmerized by the lights and the sounds; she sat the whole show and barley spoke a word. The youngest looked pissed the entire time, but says she enjoyed it. She had hands over her ears, sometimes her face buried in her hands, but the entire time she looked really pissed off. She contends that it was a good time and enjoyed the show. They're happy, so I'm happy. I think we should look into weaponizing some of this crazy screaming girl energy and using it against foe.
Allstar Weekend

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