Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2010 Christmas Extravaganza

Well the time has come once again to flex my incandescent muscle. This years display will have approx. 17,000 lights. I started on friday, the day after thanksgiving, and worked thru sunday. About half is completed so far and I haven't even stepped foot on the roof.

There are a couple of new additions this year that require a little fabrication and time. A 12' foot tree of lights is one and 8 small mini trees is another. But I think that the result is going to be well worth the effort.

Worked on the porch roof this evening a little past dark and it got cold. For today I got three windows, a wreath, a set of bells, and the porch roof line. In the middle of it all Matt called because his bike wasn't starting. A quick jump start and he was good to go.

So what do I have left.the garage roof, the main roof, driveway, sidewalk, and the mini trees. That's what I can think of right now, I know there's more. I hope to be done before sunday.

again more to come.